O2) Origami
O3) Secret Diary
O2) Origami
1) What did you do well on the project?
I practiced speaking fluently. I used eye contact (part of non-verbal communication) and explained each point in detail. I also presented the information on the slide in short points so that the audience do not get bored or lost by reading a whole sentence.
2) What would you improve for future presentations/projects?
I would speak louder so that everyone can hear me. I will increase my presentation practice so that I will speak more confidently. I will also use more visual aids to be more creative In addition, I will make sure my grammar and spelling are correct.
3) What did you learn about the presentation process that could include your individual preparation in addition to the presentations of others?
I learned that the presentation process could be more successful if I include animation on my slides. This is so that I captivate my audience throughout the presentation. I will also engage my audience by making the presentation more interactive.
I learned about the various cultures around the world. I also learned interesting facts about different countries.
5) How did you meet each of the requirements from the rubric?
I referred to the requirements to conduct my research on Seoul. However, I could have included information on the following: natural resources, age group and economy.
6) What is your analysis of your performance?
I thought I presented well because the feedback from my classmates were positive. My presentation went well. However, I expected higher marks than what I received. In order to do better next time, I will follow the guidelines more closely.